The IMLAUER philosophy

Regionality and sustainability. Terms that have become buzzwords in recent years. But for us, they are much more than that. We can proudly say: IMLAUER hotels and restaurants live these values. They shape our philosophy. They guide us in our daily activities – in our teamwork as well as towards our guests.

Our ultimate goal? The unreserved satisfaction of our guests. How do we achieve this? In which we give our all for you every day. It starts with your booking and ends… preferably not at all. Because the majority of our guests come back again and again. We are particularly proud of the high number of regular guests in our establishments. This confirms us in what we are doing and at the same time spurs us on.

You can read our sustainability concept here.


The IMLAUER philosophy

Regionality and sustainability. Terms that have become buzzwords in recent years. But for us, they are much more than that. We can proudly say: IMLAUER hotels and restaurants live these values. They shape our philosophy. They guide us in our daily activities – in our teamwork as well as towards our guests.

Our ultimate goal? The unreserved satisfaction of our guests. How do we achieve this? In which we give our all for you every day. It starts with your booking and ends… preferably not at all. Because the majority of our guests come back again and again. We are particularly proud of the high number of regular guests in our establishments. This confirms us in what we are doing and at the same time spurs us on.

You can read our sustainability concept here.

“Joy of service” is an important part of our identity

Despite our size of around 1,200 hotel beds, we have remained a family business at heart. Firmly rooted in the region, with a personal touch and the necessary eye for detail. After all, we want you to feel at home with us all year round. This “joy of service” has been exemplified by the Imlauer family for years. And around 400 employees and 55 apprentices in Salzburg, Vienna & Pichlarn live it together with us. Day after day.

The thing with the personal touch

This personal approach runs through all IMLAUER companies. It is reflected in our hotel rooms, restaurants and bars. Timeless elegance paired with Salzburg charm. Everything was planned and implemented in such a way that we ourselves also feel completely at ease in all areas of IMLAUER operations. Only high-quality materials were used in the interior areas – from warm wood and soft leather to fine fabrics and individual designs. Everything is built by local companies – for unforgettable feel-good moments, regardless of whether you come to us for a vacation trip or check in for business purposes. By the way: All our establishments are barrier-free. For unlimited vacation fun and relaxed business trips.

That’s what makes us special: Regionality and partnership-based connections

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is said to have once said: “Do you want to wander on and on? Look, the good is so close. Just learn to grasp happiness: For happiness is always there.” This beautiful quote can be perfectly applied to the Salzburg region. It is rich in history, culture and beautiful nature. This nature produces valuable food every day. That’s why we do as the great German poet did and source the good things directly from our immediate neighborhood. Because the quality is just right. And also because, as a family business, it is important to us to support the region and our local partners.

Together we are stronger

With our culinary-regional quality concept, we consistently pursue a mindful, regional approach throughout the year. In the IMLAUER Hotels & Restaurants, for example, we offer bread and pastries from the Rösslhuber bakery in Bergheim, meat and sausages from the Renner butcher’s shop in Maxglan and from the Franz Ablinger butcher’s store in Oberndorf near Salzburg. The IMLAUER kitchen team sources fish from the Grüll fishmongers in Grödig and seasonal fruit and vegetables from the Walser vegetable farmers. We get our milk and dairy products from Salzburg Milch. The organic free-range eggs come from Siegfried Imlauer’s Thomanhof farm in Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer and from IMLAUER Landgut Schloss Pichlarn in Ennstal. We are constantly strengthening and expanding our extensive regional partner network.

Increasing local added value

But the focus on regionality also extends beyond the culinary arts in our establishments. We obtain the sanitary products for the IMLAUER companies from the company Hagleitner from Zell am See, for example, and the company Doll from Seekirchen is our partner for conversion work. And the interior design comes from the Abtenau hotel outfitter Voglauer. Hasenauer, based in Saalfelden and Eugendorf, provides the best indoor climate with heating, plumbing and ventilation.

The Freund joinery from Leogang provides us with individually planned furniture in our offices and in the team restaurant. Because the good is simply so close. This creates local added value, increases indirect profitability and makes a valuable contribution to sustainability thanks to low transportation costs.

Speaking of the region and sustainability: In Salzburg, Vienna & Pichlarn, we employ around 400 people and around 55 apprentices (of which around 40 are in Salzburg) – making IMLAUER the largest tourism apprentice trainer in Salzburg.

Green and proud of it

We should all treat our environment with care. After all, she is the only one we have. At IMLAUER hotels and restaurants, we send out a clear signal for their protection. Since 2015, most IMLAUER businesses have been certified with the Austrian Ecolabel, making an important contribution to sustainable tourism. With our IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn, we are on the way to becoming a climate-neutral organic hotel. We are currently preparing our smallest hotel in Salzburg, the Hotel am Mirabellplatz, for the Austrian Ecolabel.

You can read our sustainability concept here.

“Joy of service” is an important part of our identity

Despite our size of around 1,200 hotel beds, we have remained a family business at heart. Firmly rooted in the region, with a personal touch and the necessary eye for detail. After all, we want you to feel at home with us all year round. This “joy of service” has been exemplified by the Imlauer family for years. And around 400 employees and 55 apprentices in Salzburg, Vienna & Pichlarn live it together with us. Day after day.

The thing with the personal touch

This personal approach runs through all IMLAUER companies. It is reflected in our hotel rooms, restaurants and bars. Timeless elegance paired with Salzburg charm. Everything was planned and implemented in such a way that we ourselves also feel completely at ease in all areas of IMLAUER operations. Only high-quality materials were used in the interior areas – from warm wood and soft leather to fine fabrics and individual designs. Everything is built by local companies – for unforgettable feel-good moments, regardless of whether you come to us for a vacation trip or check in for business purposes. By the way: All our establishments are barrier-free. For unlimited vacation fun and relaxed business trips.

That’s what makes us special: Regionality and partnership-based connections

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is said to have once said: “Do you want to wander on and on? Look, the good is so close. Just learn to grasp happiness: For happiness is always there.” This beautiful quote can be perfectly applied to the Salzburg region. It is rich in history, culture and beautiful nature. This nature produces valuable food every day. That’s why we do as the great German poet did and source the good things directly from our immediate neighborhood. Because the quality is just right. And also because, as a family business, it is important to us to support the region and our local partners.

Together we are stronger

With our culinary-regional quality concept, we consistently pursue a mindful, regional approach throughout the year. In the IMLAUER Hotels & Restaurants, for example, we offer bread and pastries from the Rösslhuber bakery in Bergheim, meat and sausages from the Renner butcher’s shop in Maxglan and from the Franz Ablinger butcher’s store in Oberndorf near Salzburg. The IMLAUER kitchen team sources fish from the Grüll fishmongers in Grödig and seasonal fruit and vegetables from the Walser vegetable farmers. We get our milk and dairy products from Salzburg Milch. The organic free-range eggs come from Siegfried Imlauer’s Thomanhof farm in Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer and from IMLAUER Landgut Schloss Pichlarn in Ennstal. We are constantly strengthening and expanding our extensive regional partner network.

Increasing local added value

But the focus on regionality also extends beyond the culinary arts in our establishments. We obtain the sanitary products for the IMLAUER companies from the company Hagleitner from Zell am See, for example, and the company Doll from Seekirchen is our partner for conversion work. And the interior design comes from the Abtenau hotel outfitter Voglauer. Hasenauer, based in Saalfelden and Eugendorf, provides the best indoor climate with heating, plumbing and ventilation.

The Freund joinery from Leogang provides us with individually planned furniture in our offices and in the team restaurant. Because the good is simply so close. This creates local added value, increases indirect profitability and makes a valuable contribution to sustainability thanks to low transportation costs.

Speaking of the region and sustainability: In Salzburg, Vienna & Pichlarn, we employ around 400 people and around 55 apprentices (of which around 40 are in Salzburg) – making IMLAUER the largest tourism apprentice trainer in Salzburg.

Green and proud of it

We should all treat our environment with care. After all, she is the only one we have. At IMLAUER hotels and restaurants, we send out a clear signal for their protection. Since 2015, most IMLAUER businesses have been certified with the Austrian Ecolabel, making an important contribution to sustainable tourism. With our IMLAUER Hotel Schloss Pichlarn, we are on the way to becoming a climate-neutral organic hotel. We are currently preparing our smallest hotel in Salzburg, the Hotel am Mirabellplatz, for the Austrian Ecolabel.

You can read our sustainability concept here.